For all of those who are interested in retirement in Panama, I came up with a good question for you.
Take a look at this photo of mine. Beach front. Mountains in the background. A view of the sea. The sun shimmers on the water. You can almost hear the water which gently laps against the white sand. The palm trees offer you their calm shade from the hot sun. You hear a few of the tropical birds singing. You watch the sun rise and the sun set on a daily basis.
Perhaps you own one clock or watch, but you rarely stare at it. You shop at the local markets just down the road, food is fresh, organic, tastes much better than the meals you ate in your previous life in that cold northern city. And somewhat cheaper too.
You might just own an old car. It doesn't matter. It gets you over the rough roads, from point A to point B. To the beaches, to town, to your friends, to your local bar, to Panama City when you need to hear some roaring and other such noise, visit the restaurants and bars, meet people, walk around the old city.
I never said I wanted a condo for my retirement in Panama. I don't want to be stuck in some skyscraper. Am aiming for simplicity. I wanted a beach front property in Panama.
Okay, so like I said. Take a look at the picture. Now tell me how long it will take you to get bored of this scene?
If I actually retire here. This is my Paradise for my retirement in Panama. Will not get bored. What about you?
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